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Jom Kenal Qur'an (^^) :: جمعية خدمة القرءان

Exam Result

Salam sayyidul ayyam kepada semua,

4 Mei menjadi tarikh yang ditunggu-tunggu semua warga pelajar IIUM. JKQ mengucapkan sekalung tahniah kepada yang berjaya meraih keputusan cemerlang.

Bagi yang berkeputusan rendah, janganlah putus asa. Allah berikan kita peluang untuk perbaiki diri kita. Yang penting, perlu muhasabah diri, tingkatkan usaha dan perbaiki perancangan.

Sepotong ayat dari Kitabullah sebagai pemangkin semangat:
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Maksudnya:"Jika kamu berbuat baik (berarti) kamu berbuat baik bagi dirimu sendiri dan jika kamu berbuat jahat, Maka (kejahatan) itu bagi dirimu sendiri, dan apabila datang saat hukuman bagi (kejahatan) yang kedua, (Kami datangkan orang-orang lain) untuk menyuramkan muka-muka kamu dan mereka masuk ke dalam masjid, sebagaimana musuh-musuhmu memasukinya pada kali pertama dan untuk membinasakan sehabis-habisnya apa saja yang mereka kuasai."
Al-Israa'; ayat 7.

The fight is not over yet.

Sweety Honey Facts


Honey can increase the lifespam of antibiotic in our body

Honey is a complicated compound that is consists of 800 molecules

This complication makes it difficult for scientists to fully understand the honey's mechanism of resisting and killing the bacteria

become able to inhibit bacteria from multiplying and making new generations that have the ability to resist to antibiotics

Allah almighty says:”And your Lord inspired the bee, saying: " Take you habitations in the mountains and in the trees and in what they erect* Then, eat of all fruits, and follow the ways of your Lord made easy (for you)." There comes forth from their bellies, a drink of varying color wherein is healing for men. Verily, in this is indeed a sign for people who think" [An-Nahl 68-69].

Honey is useful for treating burns, cuts, pyorrhea and it, is good for skin, cold and virus infections. So, we must have honey and use it both for food and medicine; especially for children!

Why you should eat dates? Figure out these facts!!

Dates are loaded with high dietary fiber, and   dismissive quantities of calories, fat, cholesterol and sodium make this fruit a vital source of nutrients.Dates are energy boosters with naturally occurring sugars such as fructose, glucose and sucrose that provide the body with loads of energy.
Maintain a healthy nervous system and metabolism:
Dates are one of the best natural sources of potassium, an essential mineral needed by the body to maintain muscle contractions, and smooth functioning of the heart muscles. We do not store potassium in our bodies, a regular consumption of dates keeps potassium levels replenished, and maintains a healthy nervous system and metabolism.

Healthy Bone Development:
Calcium and magnesium in dates ensure healthy bone development.

Help Fight Infections and Diseases:
Important vitamins, like vitamin A and a variety of B-complex vitamins (thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, etc) help fight off infection and disease. Dates contain amino acids that smooth digestion while their nicotinic content helps cure intestinal problems.
For Digestive System and Prevent Cancers:
Date consumption inhibits the growth of pathological organisms, and promotes friendly bacteria in the intestines. They also have a laxative effect on the digestive system. It has been stated that the positive effect on our digestive system which come from the dates help to prevent certain cancers.